Volunteer on the Land

Stewardship WorkDays

GWRLT offers seasonal trail workdays every spring and fall with pop-up workdays throughout the year. The seasonal calendar is posted here—locations and dates subject to change!

To sign up for upcoming workdays, fill out our volunteer form (linked below), or contact our Property Steward, Shaun Dillon.

Land Stewards

Adopt a preserve, conduct annual monitoring and monthly visits to preserves. Communicate directly with the GWRLT stewardship team about trail conditions.

If you are interested in becoming a Land Steward please contact our Property Steward, Shaun Dillon.

For more volunteer opportunities visit our Volunteer Page. To sign up for volunteer emails complete our Volunteer form and be sure to click Stewardship.

Volunteer Form

Read about out PPE policy here.

Your local land trust in the Berwicks, Eliot, Ogunquit & Wells