Wednesday Wandering: Rocky Hills Preserve
Join us for a Wednesday Wandering at the Rocky Hills Preserve in South Berwick this month!
Rocky Hills is a 200 acre preserve that is a part of a large unfragmented block of conservation land around York Pond. This focus area of conserved land is an effort between Great Works Regional Land Trust, Maine IF&W, and the Town of Eliot. Vernal pools and scrub shrub wetlands are scattered throughout this mixed hardwood forest and contains an old granite quarry site.
Conserved in 1997, a donation of 100 acres of woodland on the east side of Route 236 across from Marshwood High School up Punkintown Road.
Hike from 10am–12pm.
The hike is limited to 25 participants. Reservations required.
Or sign up via emaiI: or call 207-646-3604.