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Annual Meeting 2025

Join GWRLT for our annual meeting, this year at the South Berwick Community Center on April 5th 2025 from 5pm to 8pm!

In addition to our traditional potluck dinner, we will be presenting on GWRLT’s successes over the last year and discussing what is next. This year’s Annual Meeting also features a keynote talk from photographer Steve Morello, “From the world to your backyard.”

Steve has spent the last 40 years travelling the world as a wildlife photographer, guide and photography teacher and speaker.   One of Steve’s favorite sayings is ‘every place is a destination’.  He explored this in a very real way during COVID.  All travel had stopped and Steve turned his lens on his backyard discovering a fascinating diversity of wildlife in North Berwick Maine.  During this time, Steve also started to learn about the idea of rewilding, growing native plants, restoring habitat and encouraging the return of native species.  This talk will take us from Steve’s exploration of the world to the many lessons learned as he has worked to rewild his backyard.

As always free and open to the public—registrations required.

Register Here

Your local land trust in the Berwicks, Eliot, Ogunquit & Wells