Annual Spring Auction 2025 Thank you to all the 2025 Spring Auction donors! Alex Pucher Photography Allagash Brewing Company Allan Amioka Andrew Proulx Angela Martin Angela Randell Anita Rosencrantz Anna & John Bullard Anna Soaps Anonymous Badwolf Butcher and Deli Baer’s Best Beans BEACHFIRE Bar & Grille Bethany Clarke Bill & Suzanne Gosbee Black Trumpet Bistro Blue Dolphin Screenprint & Embroidery, Inc. Bona Furtuna Borealis Breads Brad Fletcher Brandmoore Farm Bread & Roses Bakery Breezy Hill Farm Brickyard Hollow Brewing Co. Brienne Cosman Brix+Brine Brixham Danceworks Carpe Diem Coffee Roasters Catherine Taylor Cath Mende Cathy’s Kitchen Chase Farms Cheryl Hoffman Chez Gray Chip Harding C&J Bus Lines Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens Coast Encounters Community Chorus at So. Berwick Congdon’s Doughnuts Corner Point Brewery Cornerstone Artisanal Pizza and Craft Beer Coyote Club Wildlife Education Craig Merrow Dana & Karen Parry Dan Pellegrom Dan Smith Debra Bodwell Dennis Paulson Desert of Maine Donna Beaudoin Dragonfly Photography Early Bird Café Ed Stout Eliot Veterinary Hospital Ellen & Al Breed Enzo Benzo Speciality Donuts Eric Katzman, DDS Eyes of World Nature Immersion Fabricio Handyman, LLC Finestkind Scenic Cruises Fogarty’s Restaurant & Bakery Fox Farm Flowers, LLC Francesca Lucia Funtown Splashtown Gail Shedlock Gary Binder Glenn & Jean Thompson Goose Sailing Cruises Gorham Bike Shop Graham Ganz Guilday Glass Hackmatack Farm Hackmatack Playhouse Happy Face Barbecue Happy Valley Beer & Wine Garden Harbor Candy Shop Harris Farm Heather Cairns Heidi Perham Helen & Paul Goransson Hill Road Lighting Design Holly Wendorf Hooks Chill & Grill Howarth Hill Maine HS Mercantile Humble Bee Flowers Jack Farrell/Seacoast Maritime Charters Jackie Frobese Jane Cowen Fletcher Janet Cass Janet Cyr Jeff Chase Jennifer Dunn Jerry’s Bike Barn Joanne Ravgiala Joe Hardy Joe Smith John Branagan Jonathan’s Ogunquit Joshua Hrehovcik Judy Stahl Julia Matchett Julie Farrell Justin Pagnotta Karen Eger Kathy Gunst Kathy Paradis Kiki’s Boutique Ogunquit Knit Wits Kristen Tobiassen Kristin Nobel Laura Cromwell Ceramics Lead With Nature Leave No Trace Refillery Leavitt Theater Lehoux Art Liquid Dreams Surf Shop Lisa Quattrocchi Lisa St. Hilaire, Purplepatch Creations Little River Photo Workshops Lori Larson Madelynn Ouellette Maine Celtics Maine Forest Service Maine Gravy Maine Mariner’s Maine Market Maine Pet Supply Margo Marten Marilyn Eimon M.C. Perkins Cove Millwood Fine Gardening and Hardscape Co. Nancy Dennett Native Haunts New England Fishmongers Nikanos Mediterranean Bar and Grille Norman MacLean North Country Hard Cider Northern Explorer Supply North Spore Odd Fellows Tavern Ogunquit Museum of American Art Ogunquit Playhouse On the Main Our American Farmhouse Pat Laska Pat Robinson & Jojo the wonder dog Patti Mitchem Pepper’s Landing Petie Pie Knits Pike Industries Port City Pretzels Portland Sea Dogs Portland Symphony Orchestra Positive Pressure Primal Fit Maine Rebecca Kibler Red Squirrel Arborcare Renys Rita Pomerleau Riverside Farm Roger Morin Sally Westover Sam Murray Sanctuary Arts Sarandipity Soap Co Schumacher Creative Design Sea Glass Jewelry Studio Secundo Shine Bright Cleaning Shirley Reed Shoals Fly Fishing Silver Fountain Inn & Tea Parlor Simply Grown Farm Slack Tide Maine Sophie Tilitz Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire (SELT) Spiller Farm Stephanie Eno Stephen Lizio Steve Camlin Sturgeon Creek Farm Sue Berman Sue Pike Sweet Meadows Flower and Gift Shop Tatnic Witch Herbals That Place in Ogunquit The Admiral’s Inn The Crooked Pine The Flower Fool, LLC The Flower Room The Front Porch The Green Clay Abode The Greenery Cafe The Lady Mary Inn The Music Hall The Stage House Inn The Tea Space This Is It Three Rivers Land Trust Three Sisters Farm Tim Elliott Tin & Jane Smith Tin Kettle Stables TipToe Eco Marketplace Tributary Brewing Co. Tully’s Beer & Wine Two Toad Farm Tyler Goodwin Village Food Market Village Nest Cooperative Village Toy Funatic Vinny McMahon Walker Keay Farm White Heron Tea Wicked Joe Coffee Wonder Mountain Fun Park York Land Trust Yulia Rothenburge